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World Refrigeration Day 2024: Working in Refrigeration Design

Wednesday, 26 June 2024
Our technical applications manager explains what it is like to be part of a successful design team

To celebrate World RefrigerationDay 2024, we invited technical applications manager Adam Harrison to share his thoughts on refrigeration design.    

Adam started his career as an AC and refrigeration installer before moving into the design of refrigerated display cases 20 years ago.

Too often, we take for granted how our food is refrigerated in stores and supermarkets. Cooling systems are essential for food preservation. They enable us to enjoy a huge choice of fresh and frozen foods whatever the season, ensure food quality and safety, and minimise food waste. 

Adam describes how refrigeration design can be complicated, saying "if it was easy, everyone would be doing it". But as he highlights, it comes with a great sense of achievement and there is always more to learn. 

Thinking About a Career in Engineering?

There are 15 million people in the world who work in the refrigeration sector. Perhaps you could be one of them.

Learn more about our industry at provided by the Institute of Refrigeration UK.

Hawco has been a proud sponsor of World Refrigeration Day since 2019.


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